Sunday, November 22, 2009

Taylor Plemel (November 16, 2009)

What We Did That Day 3/3
- went over the products of the Calvin Cycle
- learned that PGAL is the same as G3P
- learned the 3 phases of the Calvin Cylce: Carbon Fixation, Reduction, Regeneration of CO2 Acceptor
- learned that G3P is used to make carbohydrates such a glucose

My Thoughts On The Class
- the Calvin Cycle is pretty complex and a really important part of photosynthesis
- it's interesting that one cycle requires light while the other one can continue without
- in my opinion, it might have been easier for me to learn about photosynthesis if we'd learned about it first
  instead of cellular respiration

Above And Beyond

- above, a diagram of CR

- above, a diagram of photosynthesis
- put these two above diagrams together and you have the two most important cycles in life
- here is a link explaining about G3P and the other names it can go by:

1 comment:

  1. good stuff.
    It's a judgement call regarding teaching CR vs PS first. I find CR more detailed, so like to dig in and try to nail it down. Sorry if it didn't work for you.
    Gotta love all those alternate names for the same compound. Ugh.
    Mr. C
